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Brent Haynes Urban Suburban Home
The Urban Suburban Home

  This project is the culmination of an ambitious endeavor to blend the spatial qualities of old industrial urban environments with the context of a new suburban home. The integration of materials, design, and function create an environment that provides the homeowner with a space to live, work, and entertain.

TWM Brent Haynes Feature Image

  This is The Water Machine. It is a tourist-oriented spectacle that spans from Liverpool to Wigan. It is an attempt to solve a growing freshwater problem faced in the UK due to an increasing population and a changing climate.  The project replaces the M58, an underutilized motorway near the sea,

Brent Haynes POMO DECO ABWO Brent Haynes Feature Image

  Companies are increasingly adopting domestic elements to make the office less ‘office-like’. But what if, instead of providing a sense of familiarity and relaxation to the workplace, the office became a place of inspiration, excitement, and entertainment, where employees were proud to show it off? This Post Modern, Art

Brent Haynes Vauxville Brent Haynes Feature Image

  This project looks at potential industry development along the Irish border based on Tariff relating ramifications and loopholes of Brexit. The project is focused in Belleek, a town situated along the Irish border, becoming the testing grounds for a Vauxhall car factory and Model Village. This unprecedented condition allows

Brent Haynes Dwell Brent Haynes Feature Image
DWELL: Protect – Belong

    To dwell means to belong to a given place, and places that have a sense of belonging must be protected. There is a difference between a house and a home. There is a difference between a district and a community. This proposal suggests using housing as the infrastructure

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Chair Prototype: PORT-ORB

  The Portable-Orb (Portorb) Chair began with a vision to enable a dramatic experience juxtaposing sovereign and respite. Part of obtaining this reality in a functioning to-scale prototype involved technical detailing and computing precision. The process began with CNC machinery to cut out individual pieces previously modelled from 3D, converted

Brent Haynes The Adze Brent Haynes Feature Image
THE ADZE: Housing in Lebreton

  As the newest addition to the Ottawa Skyline, theADZE symbolizes a new era for Canada’s Capital city. Reaching 200 meters in height, this is the tallest building to be located in the heart of Lebreton Flats. This building is a translation from the urban idea in “Linking Lebreton Masterplan” to

Brent Haynes Linking Lebreton Brent Haynes Feature Image

  Linking Lebreton is an alteration on the award winning “Rendez-vous Lebreton” master plan designed by Hobin Architecture Inc. This adapted design began with a line of sight discovery created by the newly allocated library location. This line of sight creates a connection between the library and Ottawa Senator Arena,

Brent Haynes Border Crossings Brent Haynes Feature Image
Border Crossings: Director’s Project Competition 2017

  This competition takes place at the first week of the fall term and celebrates the beginning of a new school year. The theme this year was Border Crossings: Conflicts. Migrations. Checkpoints. Visas. Quotas. Exclusions. Interrogations. Exceptions. Accommodations. Protections. Students received a single piece of text from which they had to

Brent Haynes Orpheum Brent Haynes Feature Image

  The Swan Bridge elegantly tolerates a stream of cars to cross over the Mass River in downtown Rotterdam. Orpheum acts as a magnet that pulls the pedestrian pathway off the Bridge to converge into the building’s theatre core. These separate pathways are shaped in correspondence to centripetal force which

Brent Haynes Kindergarden in Kanata Brent Haynes Feature Image
Kindergarden in Kanata

  A mountain-like landscape, formed by large square blocks, acts as a climbable ascending play space that covers schoolrooms below. A journey to the top reveals playful views into rooms below where fellow classmates seek visual interest in the activities above. The kindergarten responds to this environment while simultaneously comprising

Brent Haynes charrette Brent Haynes Feature Image
Reassembling the North

  The twenty-first Inter-university Charrette invited young designers to reconsider Arctic villages, propose interventions in Northern settlements and surroundings, and help create livable communities simply and frugally.   .  

Brent Haynes 150 years in future Brent Haynes Feature Image
150 Years in the Future: Directors Project Competition 2016

  Prompt: Given a specific site, students are to imagine what it could, perhaps, look like in 150 years. Answer: A dystopian world where man-made micro-climates form over cities in protection of the surrounding dilapidated biosphere. Epidemic developments in technology allows for off-ground transportation while drones become the core sector concerning

Brent Haynes CanMod Brent Haynes Feature Image
Can Mod

  “The housing crisis in Northern Canada can no longer be ignored.” The Sea Container Design Competition brought together engineering and architecture students in the Ottawa area to collaborate and create an innovative solution to the lack of affordable housing using innovative sea container designs. Our design allows for modular